
What's the Difference Between CBD & THC

It is common to see online that cannabis and marijuana products as they become legal in more and more countries.

It is common to see online that cannabis and marijuana products as they become legal in more and more countries. Two natural compounds are getting the most attention: CBD and THC.

Cannabis is a plant that makes a thick substance full of compounds called cannabinoids. There are over100 of these chemicals in cannabis, and they cause drug-like reactions in your body.

CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) are the most common cannabinoids in cannabis products. The main chemical difference between them lies in the way the atoms are arranged, and that gives CBD and THC different chemical properties, affecting your body differently. Both CBD and THC work with receptors that release neurotransmitters in your brain, and they can influence things like pain, mood, sleep, and memory.

How CBD and THC Affect the Body

THC is the primary psychoactive compound in marijuana, and it’s what makes people feel “high.” We have two types of cannabinoid receptors in our bodies, and THC binds with receptors mainly in the brain: these control pain, mood, and other feelings. THC can make you feel euphoric and give you that so-called high.

CBD doesn’t cause that high. Instead, it’s thought to work with other elements in the body linked to feelings of well-being.

People take CBD products to help with everything from arthritis and Crohn’s disease to diabetes and multiple sclerosis. Also, CBD helps with anxiety, insomnia, and chronic pain.

CBD is a hot topic for researchers. The National Institutes of Health clinical trials database shows more than 160 trials involving CBD, either active or recruiting.

Side Effects

THC can cause:

  • Problems with concentration
  • Dizziness
  • Vomiting
  • Drowsiness
  • Balance
  • Memory loss

CBD can include:

  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Upset stomach
  • Tiredness
  • Lightheadedness
  • Crankiness
  • Low blood pressure
  • Drowsiness

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